Activities that will relax and take your mind off of anything that might be causing you stress or just preventing you from relaxing will be activities that only you can determine. “Activities” to relax…..Really? Yes, activity is a stress buster….but whatever the activity is for you, it must be something you like to do for it to be relaxing…..No one can decide what that is but you….
You might say, wouldn’t it be better to just sit down and do nothing or maybe watch something on television….Or how about just going to bed earlier every night or taking a midday nap? Those things might work for you, but what if they don’t.
As for me, I am able to relax watching some television shows (like Young Shelton), but watching television is not my favorite thing to do. When it comes to television, I am a news junky, and the news stimulates my mind too much. So I don’t consider television to be that relaxing. In the evening before bedtime, I usually like to read or work on a jigsaw puzzle to wind down.
Then in the day, everything I do that is work related requires me to be on the computer a lot. So I find taking breaks from the computer to do something different (every hour or two) to be very helpful. At some point in my day, I like getting outside and walking around a little. My breaks help me refocus and enables me to be more productive when I get back to work.
The pictures below are the jigsaw puzzles I completed in the past week. Over the years, this is an activity that I pursued for a while, then stopped, then started again, then stopped again, and over and over…… But it is something I really enjoy doing, and now I am back putting puzzles together again.

Copyright © 2022 by Mary Kelly, MBA. Waycross, Georgia (U.S.A.)