Tag Archives: economy

Florida’s Property Insurance Rates

“The report notes one of the big historical problems in Florida: In 2021, Florida had 6.91% of all U.S. insurance claims in the U.S. – but three out of four property insurance lawsuits (76%) were in Florida (from Fla. Releases … Continue reading

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Florida – unaffordability & foreclosures

See the video: Foreclosure WAVE in Florida Getting BAD I have been saying over the past year (in 2022) that I was feeling like I was back in 2005 selling real estate. Back then, prices were going up by the … Continue reading

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COVID and the world’s economy – TODAY

COVID is still alive and well! And unfortunately, too many people are still not seriously taking precautions in this pandemic which has NEVER gone away. We are one world today! No country can live as an island, and I do … Continue reading

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