Location Search Form

This form is designed to be used by a potential buyer looking to relocate to another area.

Before moving to another area, it is important to determine if the area has all the features that you require for a happy life…..and to determine if life there will be affordable for you.

Since everyone has different desires, you will want to add to this list. This is just a start.

Location (City/State/Country):___________________________________________


Type of Property (House, Apartment, Office, Business, Land, etc.):___________________

Buy or Rent:________________ Maximum Living Expenses: ________________

*Maximum living expenses include rent/mortgage payment, electricity/gas/water & sewage/garbage/internet-tv/food/property insurance or rent insurance/auto insurance

Weather (tropical, seasons w/o snow, seasons w/snow, etc.)________________________


  • Price range of properties desired
  • Cost of living in the area – including all *
  • Weather
  • Activities – schools, hobbies, work, etc.