My Site Notes by Mary Lou

Today is January 9, 2024, the day I am starting this page. You may have landed here by going to my website which I have forwarded to this website page. I am now consolidating all of my websites into one – this one.

This page is the place I am posting notes about miscellaneous things – things I am doing, things I read , videos I watch, and thoughts I have. My notes are ordered in order from my most current post to my first post on January 9, 2024.

February 26, 2024

Links recommended in the Network Defense & Countermeasures class that I am taking.

License to Kill: Malware Hunting with the Sysinternals Tools by Mark Russinovich – YouTube video

January 9, 2024

Class I am taking: I am taking a class at Coastal Pines Technical College called Network Defense & Countermeasures (CIST2611). In all of the classes in the State of Georiga technical colleges, a part of the instruction (which counts as a part of students’ grades) consists of content on Work Ethics. I am going to be posting some of what I submit in discussion on work ethics this semester on this page. What I post here are my opinions, not the opinions of the instructor of this class or the college’s teachings.

Attendance: The work ethics trait covered this week is attendance. The question is to list three factors influencing attendance in the workplace and then to list three methods to increase attendance and punctuality. On methods to increase attendance and punctuality was very difficult for me to answer. The three main factors influencing attendance in the workplace, in my opinion, are: (1) Too many personal demands on the workers’ time. (2) Lack of flexibility in work hour demands by employer on the worker. (3) Lack of motivation by the worker.

Article: Email Etiquette: 27 Rules to Make a Perfect Impression on Anyone ( This is a wonderful, informative article. I really like this statistic – very information: Respond to emails within 12 hours……However, “if you work in a customer-facing role, you should know that 88% of customers expect a response to their email in one hour.”

Previous blog posts – copied here on Jan. 9, 2024

COVID and the world’s economy – TODAY

Posted on January 1, 2023 by Mary Kelly

COVID is still alive and well! And unfortunately, too many people are still not seriously taking precautions in this pandemic which has NEVER gone away.

We are one world today! No country can live as an island, and I do not believe the day will come that any one country will survive without other countries. COVID is surging in China, and it is said that nearly 5,000 people are dying every day there right now. The emergency rooms are filled. This is going to hurt our economy in the U.S. and in other nations. And no one should fool themselves and think COVID cases are not going to rise here in the U.S. and in other nations. More people will be dying of COVID!

Everyone around the world needs to take more precautions…. I am saying this knowing that some countries may not be able to take more precautions because vaccines, protective equipment, and even food and medicine are not easily available….But in the United States of America, there are no valid excuses for people here not taking precautions!

Dr. Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram, can explain this better to you than I can. In this video, he examines the BF.7 COVID surge in China.

See all Dr. Seheult’s videos at: (This video was recorded on December 27, 2022) Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. video by Dr. Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram

Fake Sellers, Fake Landlords: What’s Real Anymore?

By Meredith Caruso

“The advice for anyone you meet in real estate? Trust but verify – which means don’t fully trust anyone who isn’t your mother. Scammers continually find new ways to separate you, your buyer or your seller from their money.”

If you are thinking of selling your home, you really need to read this article…. and think about it before you decide you decide to put yourself out there to go it alone without the help of a REALTOR®.

Jacksonville, Florida’s St. John’s River 1921 (bits-n-pieces)

Posted on December 30, 2022 by Mary Kelly

This is a copy of a picture I have that was taken on July 15, 1921. I is labeled “Opening St. John’s River Bridge, July 15, 1921, Jacksonville, Fla.”

Opening of St. John’s River Bridge – Jacksonville, Florida

And this is a copy of a picture I have of the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, Florida, that was taken sometime between 2000 and 2010.

St. John’s River in Jacksonville, Florida (picture date between 2000 – 2010)


Posted on December 15, 2022 by Mary Kelly

The only people who don’t make mistakes are people who don’t do anything…….Walter Kelly